Sunday, March 25, 2012

What God can do in 18 months.

Ok so it has been a while since I posted and I don't know where to start.
Over a year and a half ago God started changing my life. What's funny (not "haha", more interesting) is I really thought I would come to a place where I would "get it" and be done.
The idea of that literally makes me laugh now.
I have learned so much in the last 18 months. God has broken and rebuilt my heart.
I am so excited to learn, and more than anything, I am excited to be used by Him.
I was content that I was a pastor's wife and that was enough. Then I was really convicted that my faith had no feet. I believed and was emotional to God's leading but I didn't let it move more than my heart.
I am so pleased to be the feet now! Man, I am not kidding! The blessings that come from going out and doing God's work is beyond words!
It is exhausting! Dave and I fall into bed every night and chuckle. We are so tired but it's worth it. The joys so so so far out weigh the being tired.
There are moments FOR SURE that I break. My human nature sneaks up on me.
HAHA... this is when Dave comes home to find me in the middle of a MONSTER pile of laundry and I am bawling. Sobbing over... well the laundry I guess.
Those moments are there because I am human but they are moments I have actually come to treasure because it's in those moments when I am crying out to the God of the Universe, pleading with Him because I have nothing left to give. Then He comforts me with " I know".
He knows that Jeanne has NOTHING left and that's when He wants me. So that the success is not mine.... It's His!
I love it.

God has been taking us on a journey and I remember writing other blogs about not knowing what in the world He was doing. It makes me sit here in tears when I look back on the last 18 months.
18 months ago we started a simple adoption journey.
18 months later... we have our son, we have changed ministries and we are selling our house so that we can continue to pursue what God has for us.
Our lives have totally been flipped upside down but I wouldn't change it for a second.

If you are reading this and want to join in on praying with us...
We want to sell our house.
This house is great but it's a pretty big financial burden for us. With out it we could do SO MUCH more for others.
Also, since we have changed ministries it is no longer an ideal location.
Recently, an opportunity to rent an apartment with a GREAT price and perfect location has fallen into our laps.... but it won't be around forever. We are praying fervently that God would allow our house to sell. If you feel led please join with us. We serve a limitless God and I am by no means going to put a time frame on Him.

Thank you so much for all of you who read this and pray along with us!
You guys encourage me so much!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys - God has great things in store!
    BTW your kiddo's are sooo adorable!!!;)
