Thursday, February 6, 2014

sick kids= crazy mom

I don't even know how to start this blog.
Its as simple I guess as when my kids are sick I turn into this person I don't even know.
I go crazy cleaning!!
I sanitize EVERYTHING!!!
I start with the kitchen and move slow and steady throughout the ENTIRE apartment until at last EVERYTHING (even children) are clean and tidy.
ONLY to have one of them barf again....
Maybe I am crazy but at that point I clean all over again.
You laugh.. I know... But I am totally serious!

Part of me is convinced that if I clean they will get better sooner.
Part of me is sure that I can have some control.
MOST of me is a tad OCD about germs.

I turn into this crazy person that whigs out a little... OK a lot!!
Maybe this is one of those things that gets better as you mature as a mommy.
I hope so!
But at this point... I am a freaked out mess when my kids are sick.

I think the most frustrating part for me is that I KNOW I need to relax.
I hate even saying that word!
I don't want to relax!
I am freaking out for a reason!
This is a reason to freak out! Right?!
Say RIGHT!!!!

Ok I know that's not true.
I know I need to relax.
I know that no matter how much I clean it isn't gonna change how quickly they get better.
I know that I have NO control over how it works through their tiny bodies.
I know I just need to keep them as comfortable as possible.

So my kids are sick ...
I am still doing some general cleaning.
I am going to try my hardest to just cuddle today.
This might include watching a lot more movies then we EVER watch.
But that means mommy gets to cuddle with tiny boys that usually don't like to cuddle.
This also mean I need to keep reminding myself that no matter how much I clean it won't change anything.

I need to relax! 

1 comment:

  1. awww, Jeanne! So sorry your kids are sick! I think we moms take it harder than our kids do! Just go with what you know to do -- lots of cuddles and attention.... And thanks your oh-so-relatable post!
