I got some discouraging news yesterday and I am really struggling with it. I feel a little confused at Gods planning and I don't really understand what He is doing. So I have written about 3 blog posts this morning and I just can't seem to find the words.
So I am gonna pray. I am going to spend some time this morning just holding my little boy (that won't last long b/c he has things to do you know) and praying. Praying to the God of the Universe who loves me ....who Thankfully doesn't just love me. That even right now He knows and loves the babies that are being formed inside their mothers. That He loves their mothers. He loves the woman who is struggling with what to do.... So I was a little mad but now I am remembering that the God who loves me and who is clearly guiding me.....also loves her and HE is fighting for a place in her life. So I am on His team and I am going to fight right along side Him because HE is Alpha Omega Beginning and End, He is JEHOVAH-JIREH our provider , He is EMMANUEL God with us, He is ADONAI and I trust Him!
I want to tell you all about yesterday but I need to start with Friday. So Friday I had a Tastefully Simple Party. The lady who I was working with is amazing and she teamed up with me to do this party as a fund raiser (something she did not HAVE to do). So that night I had a few ladies come to me and just hand me some money. Super sweet and something that they didn't have to do at all. Saturday 2 separate ladies came to me and gave me checks. AGAIN something that they did not have to do. Well, between the gifts given Friday and Saturday we were given almost exactly what we had to give at the meeting on Monday.
HUGE HUGE Blessing!!
After meeting with our social worker I have so much peace about what we are doing. I had talked to her on the phone but there is just something about meeting face to face. She is great and I have NO DOUBT that she was hand picked to work with us. She is funny and quirky and gets us( even me ). She sees our heart and our passion and honestly we see hers.
So walking in I was scared but after a few minutes I realized that it was going to be just fine. 4 HOURS later we walked out of her office. It was a long meeting but so great. She answered a lot of our questions. Basically the first 3 hours were just information. The last hour was her interviewing us as a couple, which was great. We got to share how we met and how we have grown as a couple. So all in all; great trip!
NOW we have a huge stack of papers and some appointments. We have another meeting with her mid October and then the next meeting she will come here. After that we submit our profile and WAIT!! EEEKKK!!!
So keep praying we are moving forward!! The next few steps are a little tricky and we are looking seriously at $$ needs. We designed our t-shirts and a great friend hooked us up with a sweet action deal. SO they will be $10 each. I will post a sample soon. If you are interested just post a comment and let me know what sizes you would like. Also we are planning a chicken BBQ for Oct. 9th. We are going to pre-sell tickets so again if you are interested let us know. Or just come out and see us at Bill Anderson's Farm Market.
Basically we need $5, 000 by the beginning of November and TRUTHFULLY I have no clue how its going to happen but we still believe in the God of the Universe Whose heart is for the orphans and so I KNOW He is faithful and will move when and where He wants.
Ok so I want to leave you with this. Its a great song and I just want to pass it along!
Lyrics: Something here is wrong There are children without homes But we just move along to take care of our own There's so much suffering just outside our door A cry so deafening We just can't ignore
To all the people who are fighting for the broken All the people who keep holding on to love All the people who are reaching for the lonely Keep changing the world
Take a look around Before the sun goes out What's lost can still be found It's not too late now It only takes one spark to make the fire burn So reach inside your heart and let this be the start
I know you see the suffering How they gone recover when people just look over like they don't even notice them Everyone whose focusing on ending all this hopelessness You can change the world by changing who the world is hoping in
I see the sun coming up It's a brighter day Let's show the world that love is a better way So lend a hand join the fight 'Cause time is ticking away Keep changing the world
For some reason for the last few days I have been fighting a battle in my mind. I have this fear that people don't like me or aren't pleased with me. Its not how I usually feel but the last few months I feel like I keep coming back to this place. The fear of man is sin and I KNOW that I need to get it under control. So I woke up this morning and thought about Philippians 4:8-9
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
I repeat this verse a lot when I am feeling overwhelmed or when I want to buy into Satan's lies. But for some reason I never noticed or just never put much thought into the last part of verse 9 "And the God of peace will be with you."
He promises to bring peace..... wow I really needed to hear Him say that.
Quick update on the Adoption Stuff... We have a social worker and set up our first meeting. We will have one more meeting after that and then our home study. Now it is mostly about gathering the funds. BUT I am not going to buy into the lie that "we can't do this". God has brought us here and He isn't gonna leave us now.
This might not be your style of music but this is my "fire me up" song!! "I'm callin on my savior to be all that I need Please forgive me my behavior had me lost at light speed"
My Ideas and Thoughts on organizing have changed A LOT! I am committed to bringing Diet, Exercise and Order to our Home! Ugh! Its a ton of hard work getting things figured out but now that they are ......... I feel like I can breath. We have a system and some sense to all that we do. I love the summer weather but I hate the unorganized crazy life style. BUT FALL ohhh fall how I miss thee!! I love cool days and pumpkins! Baking and cinnamon smells. Apples from the Market and playing in the leaves....... THESE are a few of my favorite things!! (LOL I SANG THAT)
I love that when fall comes the house gets organized and we have a plan. Life moves a lot easier. I have also been working into our Fall/Winter schedule another child and that has been a lot of fun.
Our walmart is going to be closing soon to get ready for the SUPER WALMART..... SO a ton of stuff is on sale. I bought a bunch of outfits for only $1 each. That was exciting!! A few of my friends/ family are prego so I bought a few extra to give as gifts. It was just so much fun to get a few things and imagine a new baby in our house and arms.
I had a phone call from the Agency this week and it was mostly good news. The lowest cost is $20,000 but God is good and I know HE will provide. So we are officially on to the next step. EEEEKKK!!!!
We are getting started!! Finally!!! We found our agency and we are moving forward! Bethany Christian Services. We had looked at them once before but I was confused about their process and for some reason I thought we could not work with them but I was wrong!! So today we mailed out our pre-application and now we just wait to hear back from them!!
Now we are dreaming about fund-raising ideas!! Got any good ideas? PLEASE SHARE!!