Sunday, January 27, 2013

The List

30. Put random colors in my hair :)
29.Lose 15 pounds
28. Take a dance class
27. Pay it forward
26. Write a letter to my family and tell them why I love them
25. Create a secret recipe!
24. Have a GIVE AWAY garage sale ( everything is free)
23. Eat real Sushi
22. Paint my toe nails once a week
21. Connect with an old friend
20. Cook a French meal with the help of the amazing Andrea Baker!
19. Cook a lobster
18. 24 hours totally alone
17. 5k walk write proverbs 31 in my own words
15. Write a children's book
14. Write a song
13.learn how to use my sewing machine and make something ;)
12.write a letter to my graduating class :)
11. Be on the radio
10. Get quoted :)
9. Go to an art show
8. Serve one cup of coffee to someone at coffeemania
7. Have a day with just Jaxon ( his request is we buy and build Legos all day)
6. Read our entire dr suess collection to Dawson :)
5. Take Dave away for a day date surprise
4. Learn how to swim fly.
3. Make a time capsule to open when I am 50...40...ok50!
2. Build a cabin fort for the boys!
1. Get a Tattoo

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