Friday, October 1, 2010

From here....

We are done with our physicals and although a few conversations have come up about my RA, it looks like we will be moving forward. We finished all our background check paper work and will be mailing that in soon. Dave and I both wrote our autobiography, which was actually kinda fun. We had our fingerprinting done. So we have gone down the check list and our social worker(SW) is pleased at how fast we are moving things along. So Oct 14th we head back to Rochester for another long meeting, where Dave and I will be interviewed on our own (kinda nervous)! Then early Nov. our SW will come here to interview Jaxon and Bethany. At which time we will have to give her a check for $1,300. Praise the Heavens we have that money. The next step is turning in our profile and in order to do that we have to give them $5, 000 and thats money we don't have. So I am on my knees! We are selling shirts doing a BBQ and thinking of every possible option but this week on the phone with the SW (who I love) she very kindly told me that her boss was looking over our paper work and noticed that we don't have the money to do the placement fee (when we get the baby $13,000). She told me that if it was her call that she would just give us a baby but thats not how the system works and that they will need to know where exactly the money is coming from. I called Dave crying because the truth is I don't really know......... God I guess would be the right answer. I just can't stand the idea that a birthmother could pick us but if we don't have the $$$ then we can't have that baby. There is something SO SO SO wrong with that. UGH! Anyway so again I am going to call on the God of the Universe who knows me by name.... who knows this baby by name.... and I am going to plead with Him that He would soften the hearts of people so that they would know how much HE loves the fatherless, so that they would understand that this is not about us anymore....this isn't about the fun of a new baby... This is our family being obedient to the God who loves us.


  1. I'll pray too!
    had a thought...what if I sold art prints somehow to help you out? just at thought..also if you need any help with fundraisers let me know, might even be able to get some friends to help too. let me know! love you guys,

  2. I will definitely be praying about this for you guys. But here's my set resolution on this - it's just money - no big deal to God. Don't forget that His streets are paved with gold - it's the pavement for Him! I know and have confidence that you will have everything you need right when you need it. God always comes through so that we all know that He's the One Who made it possible. Don't get discouraged!!!
