Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Difference Does It Make?

We went to the Holiday Getaway. Here are some thoughts:
Secretly, I really want a larger house and more things to make my house more inviting. I want the right kind of decorations and candles to make my home look lovely. BUT more than anything else I want to serve the Lord.
So I don't mind my smaller house. I don't mind not having exactly what I want . I don't mind getting hand me down clothes. I don't mind shopping at the Salvation Army. I really don't mind that we have never had brand new furniture.
I don't mind all of that because we are in ministry.
I love that we are scraping to get by because we want to serve God by adopting a child.
It is hard sometimes because there are certainly things I WANT.
But at the end of my life when I am laying on my death bed I can't take my dream house or my dream car. I absolutely can make a difference in this world for the cause of Christ.
When I was 16 at Camp BaYouCa GOD called me into full time ministry and I promised Him my life.
In the last few years God has been preparing my heart and moving in my life.
He has tested me in whether I would give up everything for Him. One situation I remember very clearly. A situation had happened and I really had NO CLUE what I was getting myself into. So crying, I kissed my little boy goodbye, really not sure if I would see him again. I was scared but, as I left, confidence flooded my soul, because I was certain I was obeying the God of the Universe.
So I don't need toys, I don't need the "perfect" house and as hard as this is to say; I don't need my babies. I need the grace of Jesus Christ and I am committed to serving Him.
So even though we still need $10,000 for this adoption and I truly don't know how we are going to make it happen. I promised my WHOLE life to the God of the Universe. So it doesn't make a difference if I have all the fun things or things I think I need..... All that matters is that I am
part of the fellowship of the unashamed.
Servants Creed...We are the fellowship of the unashamed.
We cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back; deluded, or delayed. We will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, and meander in the maze of mediocrity. We won't give up, shut up, let up. Until we're stored up, prayed up, paid up, preached up for the cause of Christ. We are Servants for Christ! We must go until he comes, give until we drop, Preach until all know, and work until He stops us. When He comes for His own, He won't have any problem recognizing us. Our colors will be clear!

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