Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What God is teaching me.... and a few other thoughts ;)

Have you ever just had that feeling that God is getting ready to rock your world like it's never been rocked before? Yikes!
It's scary. I am constantly urging others to come to the ledge and leap. JUMP into the faithful hands of our Father. I love it out here! What I wasn't expecting was to get out away from the ledge and have so many unknowns. Don't get me wrong... I still love it out here. There is so much peace in knowing that God doesn't need my help but He wants to use me. I love the fact that I don't have to fear because He is faithful and He has a plan for me.
The unknowns are intimidating. So tonight I sit on this cool evening taking stock, making plans, preparing my heart for what might come next.
I secretly am hoping that this "change" that God is preparing is our Baby. I am praying fervently that we will get a call soon. Every time my phone rings my heart skips a beat praying that it's our SW.
Our life has kinda been a little "nuts" the last 3 weeks.
First was TLC where God stunned me with yet again my selfishness.
Then we spent a week at BaYouCa (I co-lead a puppet workshop) and God floored me with how much He loves me and reminded me that I am a princess. Not just some random person but a chosen one.
Then we went to Kingdom Bound... This is when God reminded me that I am not alone. God showed me that the Body of Christ is huge and that I need to stop trying to do everything on my own.
I know this should all be "normal" stuff that I should know but the truth is I obviously forgot because God needed to remind me and man I am SO glad He did!

To use my earlier analogy... I think I was away from the ledge and content but looking back at the ledge and wondering if it would be safer on the ledge. The reality is that it probably is "safer" on the ledge... BUT that is NOT who I am. I (by God's Grace) am not the girl that sits back and lets others do it. I am the girl that runs 100% to the battle. So I am taking my eyes off that ledge and putting them back on my Heavenly Father.

Please pray because I am confident that satan will hate that. So in a sense I just strapped a target on my back. I am comfortable with that because I know that God will protect me, I just know that this means things could get ummm a little bumpy.

Please don't forget to pray for the BirthMom. I know her heart has to be breaking. Pray that God wraps His loving arms around her, even right now in this moment so that she knows she is not alone.
Thanks Friends! I couldn't do any of this without YOU!
LOVE from the heart!

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