Monday, April 28, 2014

Grown up conversation.

A friend had a meeting a few hours away and didn't want to drive by herself. So after talking the hubbykins into this great idea... We headed out. 
I dropped her off at her meeting and as I pulled away I thought.... Oh crap... What am I gonna do? Haha. I hate HATE being alone. So I ended up at Starbucks. 
I have to tell you.... My favorite part of all of this was just completing a thought. 
That sounds funny right?
But as a mommy... Sometimes it is impossible just to complete a sentence without interruption. Now these tiny people need attention and I am not down playing that. But sometimes it's nice to just soak in complete thoughts that don't include potty schedules and sippy cups. 
You may chuckle, think I'm crazy or even agree... But sometimes it's nice to talk to grown ups about anything ... I had a funny little conversation with the Starbucks guy about flour less cookies. It wasn't that interesting and he was probably just trying to sell me a cookie BUT who cares!! It was just nice. As I sit here a bride is chatting with her wedding planner ( big cheesy grin) I am just soaking in the details of her amazing wedding and beside me to lawyers are going over the list of applicants they met today and rating them. This is just plain fun for me!

Now I do understand that not everyone is this way! Haha. I love LOVE meeting new people and making new friends.  Maybe I am wrong but I think every mom at some point just needs to have adult conversation..... Maybe I am crazy? Ok we know I'm crazy.... But what do you think? 

My view as I write.


  1. You are so right!! And every kindergarten teacher, too!!

    1. I think that means we need a peanut butter puddle :)

  2. You and me both!

  3. I totally agree even though I work with adults all day. It's not the same as sitting down with a cup of coffee and just talking.

    1. For me sometimes it enough to just hear adults talking :)
