Tuesday, April 22, 2014

When as a mom you are SURE you might lose your mind.

I wrote this a month or so ago.....
My boys had gotten the stomach bug for the 3rd time this winter.
I didn't publish it because I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just ranting.
But as I read it now I am laughing out loud and even tearing up a little.
This post came from a mom at the end of her rope.
I see her from time to time ( wink)

So read and laugh.... try not to judge. But know you aren't alone out there!

I don't know whether I should laugh or cry!

I chuckle even as I write that.

My boys have been sick for the last few days.
For the last 4 days neither one of them or myself have left our apartment.
Today is the first day that they both have felt great!
Which is good news.... except that they are getting on each others nerves.

So between cleaning... I am breaking up fights and forcing them to play AWAY from each other.
This is where the should I cry or laugh thing comes into play.
I haven't showered!
I don't know if I have brushed my teeth! ( eww)
I have all sorts of things stuck to my shirt.
Including a pig sticker that was VERY VERY important to my 2 year old. Who was so upset that said sticker was stuck on me that he went into a full on temper tantrum!
I can't remember the last time I took a shower without little people barging in.
For that matter I can't remember the last time I used the bathroom when I could close the door without someone doing something they shouldn't.

This is not a complain fest! I get it! I signed up for this.
AND as hard as it is I wouldn't change it.
But I am kinda sick of the perfect mom mentality that is pressed on us.
We will lose our temper sometimes.
Sometimes we will feed our kids PB&J not because its their favorite but because we don't have energy for anything else.
We could quite possibly go a few days in a row with a clean house and clean kids but not take a shower!
I am impressed by those people who have it together.
I just think its time MOMS UNITE and stop setting such crazy expectations for ourselves.
I would be thrilled if I got to the end of my day and didn't lose my temper... But if that meant that I needed to sacrifice dishes, laundry or dusting.... would I be willing?

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I'm all about putting more effort into creating a fun, nurturing environment than to sticking to the "rules" (like having a spotless house or gourmet meals!).
