Thursday, July 7, 2011


Ok so here I sit.... somewhat in awe of what God has done. We have been so truly blessed. I posted it on my facebook but want to document it here on my blog. A few days ago, Dave took our walk-a-thon deposit to the bank and basically we had made a deposit and hadn't recorded it. We needed $13,600 for placement and about $3,000 for legal fees and just a little extra in case we have to travel. $17,600 is what we have in our Adoption Account!!!
God has blessed us indeed. I am so very humbled.
Here is how you can pray now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY for us.
We are planning to pray everyday at lunch that our Baby will be home soon. To be clear we pray all day everyday but we would like a specific time when we all come before the Lord together. So we are hoping you will join us in prayer around your lunch time.
Here are a few specific things.
That our Baby comes home soon. This Mommy is aching for her Baby. There is a Big Brother here who can't wait to have someone to play with. There is a Daddy here excited to hold his new Baby in his arms and show it the love of The Father. We are ALL starting to feel the missing piece in our home.

Pray also if you will for the birth family. This is a huge part of what is taking our process so long. These families are hurting and have to make a really difficult choice. Pray that God would give them peace.

Please pray for our SW she is such a great person and I am so thankful for her.

Ok Baby, We are ready for YOU!! Come home soon!
We miss you and love you very much!
Can't wait to hold you!
Love Always,
Daddy, Mommy and Jaxon

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