I'm starting to see Dawson's room take shape and personality.
I am sorting clothes and packing things that we will need to take.
Making plans for the week we will be away.
All the time feeling so humbled.
Like I am getting a gift I don't deserve.
I know people say all the time that adoption is an example of Christ taking us into His family.
I totally agree with that. I just think there is so much more.
See God sent His only Son for us. He sent this precious Gift. Something that even if I had all the money in the world I could not repay Him for.
As a child of the King I understood the concept but as a Mom adopting I FEEL it.
I am accepting something from her that I could NEVER repay her for. Although I would LOVE to, there is nothing I can do to repay her. Here is the joy, I can show my love to my Savior by advocating on His behalf. I can live my life as an example of His amazing love. I can share His love with others.
The same is true of the Birth Mom. I can advocate for her. I can live my life as an example to people. She is not a monster but an amazing woman who wants only to do the right thing.
Anyway maybe this doesn't make sense to anyone else, but adoption will change how you look at your WHOLE life.