Thursday, September 22, 2011

God has to bring me closer to Him and "the name"

I have been so consumed by all the babyness of it all that I haven't had a chance to just sit and process things out... hence why I haven't blogged.
Also, adoption is a journey and it WILL change your life. It's interesting because some of the things that it's changing have really nothing to do with adoption.
So forgive this little rant about how God is changing my heart and THEN I will tell you his name. If you can't wait just scroll down to the bottom :)
Ok, in high school I had a HUGE problem with gossip. I mean, what high school girl doesn't?But in college I was STRUCK with how dangerous my tongue can be. At that moment in my life I changed. I had a moment with God where I prayed for strength and He came close to brush off my rough edges.
I have been "clean" of the gossiping addiction ever since. But recently God has just shown me areas where maybe I am not gossiping but I am involved on the outskirts. It makes me feel sick. SERIOUSLY SICK! God has yet again trumped me. He made it clear that I am feeding my addiction via other peoples drama. UGH!! NO!! I threw the gossip addiction away in college and I am not about to let it slowly creep back into my life.
I HATE GOSSIP. If we have something to say we don't bathe it in prayer requests... we go to the source. We need to stop hiding behind weak insecurities and make the situation better.... or better yet stay out of it all together. I am pretty sure life has enough drama of its own, we don't really need anyone else's.
Ok I know that has nothing to do with adoption but it does. See when you go out on the ledge and tell God that you are willing to do whatever it takes..... It takes Him brushing, scraping and peeling away all the things that keep you farther from Him. And I am telling you right now, when you are adopting you HAVE to draw closer to Him. Without Him this journey would be impossible.
OK~ so please understand that this is how God is working on my heart. I smile to think He isn't done working on me yet.
Now you want to know the name right?.....
We picked Dawson it means "Son of David"
The Birth Mom picked Wade which means " Able to go"
We are so excited to be at this point! We are doing his room and naming him. Now my arms just ache to hold him. I can't wait to kiss his face and tell him he is SO SO SO very loved.


  1. I guess this is yet another reason why we get along so well, because I've been feeling "convicted" about the same thing this week too. I'll promise you this - I'll be a help to you in this area as well as work on it myself. I'm sick of drama - it makes me exhausted, so why take part in it. Anyway, thanks for sharing!

    Love the name and its meaning! You need to post pictures of his room too!

  2. I know what you mean about gossip -especially disguised as prayer requests. We have even struggled with the idea that while our family wants to know about expectant mothers that consider us or consider our profile, its really "gossip" or at least not our story to share about the mothers' relationship history, drugs and alcohol, why she's choosing adoption, etc. Its been tough but we have been tight-lipped. Love the name by the way, and the collaboration of both picking a name. We have a name that is near and dear to us, we hope some day potential birth mom likes it!

