Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Day My Life Changed Forever!

I don't even know how to begin writing to explain my feelings.
Sept. 14th 12:51pm
I was sitting on the couch.
Laughing at the fact that Jaxon wouldn't let Dave come upstairs until he had cleaned his toys up. He wanted Daddy to see things all cleaned up. ( That's my boy!!)
I had set a "special" ringtone for our SW.
Jaxon had made a trip back to his room and Dave was standing on the landing.
My phone rang and I shreeked " Dave it's her!!"
Even as I write this tears are burning in my eyes.
Our SW is one of my most favorite people in the world. She said " Jeanne, How is your day going?" I was like " umm good "(HEART POUNDING) Trying to be polite I asked how her day was, not really expecting her to answer.... she did! Finally, I was like "OK OK JUST TELL ME".
She laughed and said " Are you sitting down? She picked you guys!"
We both squealed in excitement.
At this point Dave was sitting next to me on the couch and we could hardly contain ourselves. Our SW gave us a brief explanation of what would happen next. Most of that is a blur.
We made about 101 phone calls to friends and family.
These are the facts:
Our family of 3 is now a family of 4!!
The Birth Mom is due Oct 16th.
Our Little Boy is healthy and growing normally.
So literally 1 month from today!!
That doesn't even seem possible!!
I wish I had more details. I can't WAIT to post pictures!!
Continue to pray.
We will have to spend a week in NJ after he is born.
I can't even begin to explain the excitement!!
Everyday it sinks in a little more.

You have been working on me for so long. You and I we have been on this long journey of trust.
Lord, I am so sorry that I ever questioned You. You have spent the last year taking off the things in my life that aren't pleasing to You. Although I am so certain that You aren't done yet, thank You for giving me the desire of my heart. Thank You for the blessing that the Birth Mom and this new Baby Boy will be in our lives. Lord, Thank You for picking us for this journey. Lord, I look back at my life a year ago and I am so ashamed at how selfish I have been. Lord, Thank You for making me see that there is so much more to this life than my needs. Lord, I am so glad to be called Your child! Thank You for letting me take comfort in You. You are so faithful and I am humbly coming before You with just gratitude.
Thank You Father. I love YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh!
    I'm so exited for you guys!!!
    I can't wait to meet your new little addition! :D

