Wednesday, September 7, 2011

OK here goes...

So we got up early and got Jaxon ready for school.
We all ate breakfast and headed out.
I know you don't want a play by play of the day so I will get right to the appointment.
Here it goes~
We walked into the meeting with a HUGE amount of peace.
I am confident that is because of all the prayers being sent up on our behalf.
We walked in and she stood and spread out her arms to hug me before I could even hug her.
This made me smile!
She had a list of questions and so conversation just flowed. She and I talked as if we were old friends. She told us a lot about her and her past. She explained what brought her to this place in her life. But for the child's sake we have decided not to really talk about that much until we have more details on whether we will get the child or if we do get him maybe wait until the child is older and can decide what he wants to tell people.
Oh did you catch the he?
Yes, Its a boy!
He is perfectly healthy and progressing along nicely.
We walked out of the meeting confident that we had said and done everything to help her capture who we really are.
So, I have decided if she picks us GREAT!! If not I have no regrets. She was a joy to spend some time with and God opened my heart to her and her situation.
After we walked out of the room her SW came out and we chatted for a bit. She said we should know within a couple of days.
So all those prayers that you sent out on our behalf.... DON'T STOP!
The Birth Mom has a tough choice to make. I don't envy the position she is in at all.
We did briefly see the other couple and they looked really nice. Polar opposites of Dave and I.
So we shall see...
I really wish I had more to tell you.
All I can say for certain is that she is great and God really calmed our nerves. So thank you for your prayers & your encouragement. We'll keep you posted!


  1. I'm SO glad that things went smoothly with the meeting!
    ~ You guys are in my prayers!

  2. Soooooo exicing! Wow! So glad you found my blog and now we can follow yours...will definitely be in prayer. I have felt the same way about the expectant mothers who have considered/will consider our profile. If we meet with them for whatever reason, we will walk away changed.

    Please keep us all updated! Can't wait!!
