Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well next thursday we will head to Syracuse for our first meeting. Things are just becoming so real. Dave and I (along with a few friends and family) have been really praying over a huge fund raising activity. It would be a huge under taking but we may be able to raise almost everything that we need in just one event. God is guiding and directing and we are just along for the ride~
We opened an account just to put money in for the Baby! So now we are on a mission to get this money raised. My Mom and Older Sister are having a garage sale so we started pulling things out that we can put in the sale and get a little bit of $ that way. My sweet big brother has been collecting comic books for at least 15 years and told me this morning that he wants to sell ALL of them (3,500) and give a large portion of the proceeds to us for the adoption. I nearly cried!
This is the kicker.... last night I sat on the deck talking with my Dad. Some of you may or may not know this but my Dad was adopted. After talking for a few minutes we were both in tears and realized that God used my Dads situation to allow us to have open hearts for those in need. The God of the Universe placed my Dad into a family so that he could raise me and now I am going to do the same. It was awesome!! Lots of tears but so great to see how God works things together even 51 years ago when my Dad was placed into his Moms arms.
GOD is so good to us.

OK so I love this man!! He is so amazing and so perfect for me!
He knows what I need and listens when I just need to let off some steam!
He is passionate and loving! He is right beside me with all this adoption "stuff"!
He is willing to make some pretty huge sacrifices to bring our Baby home and that just makes me love him more!!

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