Monday, November 1, 2010

National Adoption Month

I was laying in bed and had to get these thoughts down before I forgot them... It is National Adoption Month!! November 7th is Orphan Sunday... so I started thinking what would I say given the opportunity and here it is...
How many of you have been adopted or have adopted or are in the process of adopting?
To which I know my Dad would stand up. My Dad's story is incredible!
Then I would say I have never ever known what it feels like to be fatherless. From the very first seconds I was alive my Daddy loved me! My Dad wanted me! When I was 7 or 8 I asked my Heavenly Father to take control of my life and I became an heir to the King. Children all over the world live with the feeling of being not wanted. They are literally fatherless. They can't understand the human loving father because they have never known it and they truly don't understand the role of the Heavenly Father because they have never been told it.
Sometimes I get the feeling that people wonder why we are adopting. Let me clear it up for you, we are adopting because the fatherless need to be shown what real love is, we are doing this because most importantly they need to know that the God of the Universe loves them and wants to heal their hurts. We are doing this because you can't mistake God's Word when it says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
And finally, we are doing this because we want to impact lives for Jesus Christ. The simple truth is that with the love of God there are No orphans. But they need to know about His love and I am very desperate to be used by Him to impact lives.
This isn't a guilt trip! I truly believe you need to come to this place in God's timing and in His way. All I am saying is that last year I didn't even know there was a "National Adoption Month" or "Orphan Sunday" and this year I am going to do whatever I can to help make a difference.

This video is for anyone considering adoption but this is a whole hearted prayer for our friends that are trying to bring their baby Jamesy home from Ethiopia. Jim and Tiff we love you and are praying that Jamesy is home soon.

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