Monday, November 1, 2010

When the "PLAN" changes.

This morning I was reading my e-mails and found out that I will NOT be involved in the Craft Fair on Nov. 20th ( I believe it's a space issue). I am not going to lie; I am a little disappointed. Sweet Erin Youmans and I worked really hard at making cards and twigs stars PLUS some incredible people have offered to donate some items and now we are just kinda stuck. I am going to talk to my Dad about having a table set up at the store some Saturday, but the truth is that probably won't bring the same amount of traffic. SO.... the "PLAN" has changed. I have that in quotes because it's MY "PLAN". My Plan has changed but God's plan has not. All along He knew where I would be and what I would be doing. I can take comfort in the fact that His PLAN is SO SO SO much better. I am ok with it but kinda disappointed. I am totally trusting Him but the human(sin) side of me is a little discouraged. Although as I sit here and think about it more, I am not sure why because we had a GREAT weekend. Things went so well. Even with pipes breaking and roofs leaking the homestudy was amazing. We received a very generous gift from our church family that brought us up to half of what we need for the profile expense. So I really need to stop whining and complaining because God has given us exactly what we need when we need it.
OK so I am done!
I am going to leave you with this video of Jaxon showing the SW everything in his toy box.
He told her all about the toys he had and talked about sharing. Later at lunch he prayed for our new baby "that it would grow strong and healthy". The SW nearly cried.
GOD is so good to us!
So I have never added video before... if this doesn't work for some reason... I am so sorry.

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