Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2 verses that will provide me comfort for both of my children.

When I was pregnant for Jaxon (like any first time mom) I had fears about delivery. I remember sitting at the end of my dining room table just bawling and searching Gods Word for comfort.
I was blessed to find Isaiah 41:10 and 1 Cor 10:13. These verses where such a source of comfort for me.
What I find interesting is that while I am waiting for our new Baby, God keeps bringing these same verses to mind. These verses that I literally wrote on 3x5 cards so that I could easily grab them while I was in labor are now ingrained into my mind.
So when Satan tries to tempt me to believe the lies....4 YEARS AGO God was preparing my heart and I am prepared to quote verses of truth and SHUT satan UP!!

It's comforting!

OK so .... I wish I had more to update about the Baby. Not much has changed. We are still in need of (we think) about $3,000. Eek I know kinda scary but in just over 6 months we raised almost $22,000. So this last $3,000 "should" be a piece of cake.
I am diligently trying to make plans for another fund raiser and actually have one in mind but finding a time is the issue now.
God is good all the time!! Our little family has grown closer through this whole process and I would not change that for the world. God has opened my eyes to the huge needs here and around the world. He has shown me how selfish I am and how I can live with so much less. He has been teaching me to let go of my pride and trust Him. These are ALL life lessons that I wouldn't want to learn any other way.
I am not sure what your feelings are about adoption but KNOW THIS : God will change your life forever... You will walk away a better person and most importantly a better child of God. You will look at your life and almost laugh at how ridiculously selfish you seemed. I know some of that doesn't sound like any fun... but when you think about the tiny lives God is using you to save... your selfishness seems like a small price to pay.

Anyway these are just my thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Just an interesting side not, Have you considered Foster care to adopt" domestically? This could bless you more than you could ever imagine! Here is my email if you want to discuss it or you can find me on Facebook.
    Jeanne Reyes
