Thursday, May 5, 2011

5k and thoughts

So it is official we will be doing a 5K!
I am really excited about the idea but I am also a little nervous.
I love organizing events, but I ALWAYS feel like I am going to forget something.
So I am going to use my blog as a place to process my thoughts and if I miss something(s) feel free to shout out!

Ok ...
Here it goes...
I need to find people willing to cook chicken. Probably 3 or 4.
For food we will need:
A Giant Mac Salad
A huge pot of Baked Beans
The chicken and the mix we get from the sweet place in town.

For the race we will need:
Point Markers
Starting and Finishing Signs
there has to be more but I have never planned a 5k before. (eek!)

I am also thinking about t-shirts.
I think they will be white.
"open your heart to adoption" has sorta become our theme so I want to kinda stick with that but maybe design a shirt specifically for the 5k. Any thoughts?

I am trying my best to stop feeling overwhelmed... I get waves of panic when I think about ALL we have to do but it is usually quickly followed by a feeling of hope. I remember what we are doing this for and I am reminded of all the small children without parents and THEN i get all fired up and fear is the last thought on my mind.
I want to be obedient to the God we serve and do WHATEVER it takes to love the fatherless.
GOD has brought us here and when I am ready to give up (thinking He has left us) He floods my soul with peace and reminds me (yet again) that it is SO not about me.


  1. Jeanne, I just want you to know that you are an amazing mom and person in general. i am honored to have you as my sister and be a member of the same family you come from. You are doing a great job with all of this and God will definatly bless you. We will not know the time or the place, but HE has huge blessings waiting for you. Love ya little sister.

  2. Jessica~ I love you so much! THANKS for knowing what I needed to hear.

  3. Okay, Jeanne, I've been holding back, but I'm going to say that I will participate in this and help you in anything/everything I can. When I nail down a few more things for certain (you know) I will go at this and maybe even try to run a little of it!!

  4. Andrea~ I love you! I would love the help and I would really LOVE the I "try" to jog a little bit. lol
