Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Would you?

What if God called you to do something extreme?
What if God asked you to step away from what you know?
Step away from everything "comfortable" for you... would you do it?
Would you be willing to be extreme in your love for the Savior that you would sacrifice all that you have known to show love to Him?

Would you be willing to take ridicule from people who don't understand?
Would you be willing to literally walk away from things that you love because you love God more?

Would you sell your car?
Your house?

I feel like these are the questions that God has been asking me.
Have far am I willing to go to be pleasing to the King?
Am I willing to give up all that I know to bring honor and glory to Him?
What if that means changing everything I know to be "normal"? Is that something I want.... Do I love Him enough to do it?

A year ago I would have been shaken by these questions. A year ago my heart would have hurt thinking of these things... But truthfully as I sit writing these questions I get fired up.
I would ABSOLUTELY sell my car, my house or even my hair to bring honor to the God of the Universe. I would ABSOLUTELY move where ever He would call me. I WILL be extreme in my love for Him. I WILL step away from everything I know. I WILL look at every challenge as an adventure. I WILL take away my comfort bubble for His glory.
It is scary to say things like this so " OUT LOUD" its almost like painting a target on your back but I am willing to be the target for my King. I am willing to take whatever He sends me.
This adoption journey has not just opened my eyes to the HUGE need in this world, it has opened my heart to the God that loves me and knows me by name.
So friends~ This is an interactive blog... what are you willing to do? Could you leave your "comfort bubble" for God glory? See we can't have change without people coming together and starting revival.
Wanna change how comfortable we are for God's glory?


  1. Wow- Jeanne. I see the comments rolling in on this topic! =) I wonder how many of us have read this note and are in hiding. haha.

    I love the principle of adoption.

    Maybe one of the reasons your desire to do anything for Jesus is because you are immersed in the adoptions process. For me, adoption brings home the amazing truth that God adopted me for His very own. He sacrificed more than is imaginable to choose me. Of course I love HIM! Of course I am indebted to Him. Of course I would do anything He asked- He swooped down and rescued me from an empty life and the worst possible eternity. Not only that, but He ADOPTED me into His family and now I sit at His table! He gives me all of His riches- I don't get scraps! I get the best. And- I get the best Dad! =)

    I do want to change how comfortable I am. Thanks for making me think!
    love you~

  2. I have always struggled with that, but during my college years, God really put most of that to the test for me. Although it's something that continually rears its ugly head, I found a quote by Corrie ten Boom in The Hiding Place that I keep in front of me quite often, "I don't ever want to hang on to something so tight that God has to pry my fingers from it." That quote really put things in perspective for me as a teen when I read it and has carried on into adult life. Just keep the really important things in front of you - God & family. Everything else has its rightful place.
