It has been WEEKS since I have had a chance to sit and blog. A lot of things factor into that. We only have 1 laptop and its normally with the Hubbers. We have also been pretty busy getting back into the routine that includes a tiny baby. I haven't minded that at all.
I had forgotten so much about tiny babies. I was surprised what came flooding back to me.
All that to say I wanted to update but also blogging is a nice break for me. I love to sit and just type out my thoughts.
I don't even know where to begin... So when you are done reading this and you go "that didn't fill me in at all"... write a comment and I will do my best to answer any questions you might have.
As far as adoption stuff...
We had our first "unsupervised" meeting with the Birth Mom and it went great!!
We met and had icecream. I can't even explain how great it was.
She was there with some family and friends. We just sat and talked and took turns holding the baby boy.
A few things happened that night that made me sure we had made the right move but the one that brought me to tears was...
As we were packing things up to leave, Jaxon was starting to cry and he very calmly and tearfully said " Goodbye Dawson". Despite our best efforts to explain everything he was still really confused. As I reached out to comfort him She (Birth Mom) reached across and put her hand on his and said " Dawson is YOUR brother, he is going home with YOU'' .... Not gonna lie I was choking back tears.
I needed her to be the one to comfort Jaxon's fears. I needed to hear those words from her and truthfully I think she needed that situation just as badly as we did.
It was a great evening!
I have really been thinking a lot about open adoption. People as a rule just don't seem to understand. I wish I could snap pictures of the faces people have made when we explain our situation.
I don't want to get up on a soap box. So I am gonna keep this short and sweet.
If you decided to do a domestic infant adoption, undoubtably you would have some fear. You would ask questions like " Is she still ok with this?" or " Is she gonna change her mind?"
You think you won't ask questions, but trust me you do!
Ok so wouldn't you rather have open lines of communication where you can send her a text or email and say " Hey I was thinking about you today and just wanted to see if you were alright"
To which she replies and is open about her thoughts and fears but is so thankful that you are still talking with her.
I am not saying that it's not scary. I am not even saying that you will have no fear. What I am saying is instead of having to guess how she feels you can just ask her.
For US... there is no better way. I LOVE our Birth Mom she is amazing. She is intelligent and funny. She adores Dawson and Jaxon. We are truly blessed.
I understand that not every situation will be like ours. I know that it's different with every adoption but I think when you go out on the ledge and trust God... He will open your eyes to the design and joy of open adoption.
OK~ So that was a tiny soap box!
Now on to other things. We are keeping plenty busy getting things together for the Christmas Season!
Jaxon has been asking a lot about Christmas and why we celebrate it. Which brings true joy to my heart. I think he is really close to coming to a place where he accepts Jesus as his Savior.
I have so much more to write but at this point I am drawing a blank.
I have planned on a series of blogs that I would really like to write so I hope that will be soon.
So be patient with me, as I adjust to this new "normal"